REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS: Odiak Camper Park Electric Pedestal Replacement

Jun 9, 2023Public Notices

City of Cordova, Alaska
RFP# PR-23-01
Odiak Camper Park Electric Pedestal Replacement.

Proposal Due Date and Time: No later than 3 PM July 6, 2023.  Proposals received after the time fixed for the receipt of the proposals shall not be considered.

Scope of Work: The removal and disposal of the existing twelve (12) doubled-sided electric pedestals.   Supply and installation twelve (12) new single electric pedestals.

Bidders shall familiarize themselves with the specifications and location of the work.

Questions may be submitted to Duncan Chisholm, Director Parks & Recreation via email to

For paper copy proposals, please submit one (1) copy in a sealed envelope plainly marked, “RFP# PR-23-01 Odiak Camper Park Electric Pedestal Replacement” addressed to the Parks and Recreation Director, City of Cordova, P.O. Box 1210, Cordova, AK  99574

Electronically submitted proposals will be accepted by email and sent to  The email subject line shall read “RFP# PR-23-01” and the proposal shall be attached to the email as a PDF file.

Bid documents can be obtained on the City of Cordova website at or at City Hall.

The City of Cordova reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals, to waive irregularities or informalities in the proposals, and to award contracts to the most qualified proposer.

DATED this 6th day of June, 2023.

Helen Howarth, City Manager.


PDF version of this RFP is available here 

RFP #PR-23-01 Addendum 1