City of Cordova PO Box 1210 • 601 1st St • Cordova, Alaska 99574 • (907) 424-6200 |
March 19, 2023
Individual in Custody at CPD Assaulted Officer and Escaped – INDIVIDUAL IS STILL AT LARGE
Andrew Johnson is still at large. Johnson is an extremely dangerous, agitated, and volatile individual who may be armed. The community should be on high alert.
Andrew Johnson instigated an extremely violent attack resulting in severe injury to one of our officers. Johnson broke out of jail after incapacitating and restraining our officer.
Until we have Johnson in custody, secure your vehicles, doors, cars, boats, and anything that could provide shelter or further escape.
Be hyper-alert and aware. Use EXTREME caution. Do not confront. Call 911 immediately.
CPD will provide updates as soon as possible.