2025 Ordinances
2024 Ordinances
Ordinance 1225 Authorizing transfer from permanent fund to pay grant matches for FY25
Ordinance 1224S Authorizing Purchase of Impound Lot to Bayside Storage
Ordinance 1223 Establishing EDEs and setting forth criteria in an application form
Ordinance 1222 Enacting Title 7 – City Property
Ordinance 1221S Enacting and amending chapters within Title 5 Revenue and Finance
Ordinance 1219S Amending 5.38 Biennial Motor Vehicle Registration Tax
Ordinance 1218 Amending Cordova Municipal Code 2.18.040 and 2.20.100 to Avoid Conflict with Charter
Ordinance 1216 Accepting RAISE and Authorizing Line of Credit of $3M
Ordinance 1215 Authorizing Transfer from Permanent Fund to Sustain Harbor Project Cashflow
Ordinance 1214 Amending Cordova Municipal Code 6.05.040 to Remove Business License Fees from Code
Ordinance 1213 Authorizing Transfer of $132,233 from Permanent Fund for Refuse Hook Truck Loan
2023 Ordinances
Ordinance 1212 Sales Tax Cap increase to $5,000
Ordinance 1210 General Sales Tax rate increase to 7%
Ordinance 1209 Approving Lease with Trident Seafoods
Ordinance 1208 Approving Lease with USFS
Ordinance 1206 Amending CMC 14.20.090 Setting time for Refuse Containers to be Placed for Pickup
Ordinance 1205 Removing Rough Box Requirement for Burial in City Cemeteries
Ordinance 1204 Repealing 19.04 Flood Protection and Enacting 19.04 Floodplain Management
2022 Ordinances
Ordinance 1203 Defining Publish and Publication and Clarifying Requirements
Ordinance 1202 Enacting 5.22.030 Codifying Land Disposal Map Process
Ordinance 1201 Repeal and Enact New Title 16 Buildings and Construction
Ordinance 1200 Substitute, Amending 11.08.020 Increase Harbor Commission to 7 members
2021 Ordinances
Ordinance 1199 (Emergency) Amending Covid-19 Health Advisory Plan
Ordinance 1198 Repealing 5.42 and Amending 5.40 for Consistency with ARSSTC Uniform Code
Ordinance 1197 Repealing and Reenacting CMC Title 15
Ordinance 1195 Amending 3.10, 18.90, 3.52 Conflict of Interest
Ordinance 1194 Enacting 17.24.005 to require certificates to plat
2020 Ordinances
Ordinance 1192 Repeal and Reenact Title 2 Elections
Ordinance 1191 (Emergency) Amending the Covid-19 Health Advisory Plan
Ordinance 1190 (Emergency) Adopting the City COVID-19 Health Advisory Plan
Ordinance 1188 Amending 5.40.030 and Adding 5.40.0025 Regarding Sales Tax Exemptions
Ordinance 1187 (Emergency) ratification of revised rules
Ordinance 1185 (Emergency) Amending CMC 3.45 Adding 3.45.090 Imposing Fines
Ordinance 1184 Continuing Local Emergency and Ratifying Rules
Ordinance 1183 Uniform Sales Tax Ordinance
Ordinance 1182 Amending 4.52.020 Regarding Employee Health Insurance Benefits
2019 Ordinances
Ordinance 1181 Amending Chapter 18.90 as advised by Historic Preservation Commission
Ordinance 1180 FAILED-Amending 5.40.010 by Increasing Sales Tax to 7 Percent-FAILED
Ordinance 1179 FAILED-Amending 5.40.010 to Impose Seaosnal Sales Tax Rates-FAILED
Ordinance 1178 Amending 5.40.012 and 5.40.020 to Add a Surtax on Alcohol, Tobacco and Marijuana
Ordinance 1177 Amending 5.12.200 increasing local bidder preference to 15 percent
Ordinance 1176 Substitute Authorizing Transfer from Permanent Fund and Amending the 2019 Budget
Ordinance 1175 Authorizing and Directing Sale of Lots 3&4 Block 6 OT to CTC
Ordinance 1174 (Substitute) Enacting Chapter 5.41 Raw Fish Tax
Ordinance 1173 Appropriating Money to Advocate for Ballot Props
2018 Ordinances
Ordinance 1172 Declaring a Tax-Foreclosed Property not Required for a Public Purpose and Authorizing its Sale
Ordinance 1171 Authorizing Transfer of $269,000 from Permanent Fund for Refuse Truck
Ordinance 1169 Authorizing the lease w-option NFDP Lot 3 Block 5 to Rob Brown
Ordinance 1168 Authorizing the sale of ASLS 2001-5 to PWSSC
Ordinance 1167 FAILED-Citizen initiated – Prohibiting Marijuana Establishment Operations-FAILED
Ordinance 1166 Citizen initiated – Repealing 5.39 re Motor Fuel Excise Tax
Ordinance 1165 Citizen initiated – Amending Chapter 5.40 by Decreasing the Cap on a Single Purchase to $3,000
Ordinance 1164 FAILED-Repealing 5.39 re Motor Fuel Excise Tax-FAILED
Ordinance 1163 FAILED-Amending Chapter 5.40 by Decreasing the Cap on a Single Purchase to $3,000-FAILED
Ordinance 1162 Adopting marijuana regulations and amending conditional use permits
2017 Ordinances
Ordinance 1161 REFERRED NOT PASSED Revisions to Publication requirements – referred 11-15-17
Ordinance 1160 Repealing 5.40.090 re Compensatory Collection Discount
Ordinance 1159 Amending Chapter 5.40 by Increasing the Cap on a Single Purchase to $7,500
Ordinance 1158 FAILED – Amending Chapter 5.40 Instituting a Seasonal Sales Tax Split – FAILED
Ordinance 1157 NOT PASSED – Amending chapter 5.40-split into 1158, 1159, 1160
Ordinance 1156 Adopting 5.39 re Motor Fuel Excise Tax
Ordinance 1155 Amending 18.35.090 Conditions for Continuation
Ordinance 1154 Approving Transfer from Permanent Fund for CCMC Pers Obligations
Ordinance 1153 – never read
Ordinance 1152 – never read
Ordinance 1151 Approving Transfer from Permanent Fund for Hospital Equipment & Grant Match
Ordinance 1150 Approving Transfer from Permanent Fund for Debt Service & Hospital Equipment
2016 Ordinances
Ordinance 1149 CCMC Repealing and reenacting Title 15 re CCMC Authority
Ordinance 1148 Amending, repealing & reenacting code regarding nonconforming lots, uses and structures
Ordinance 1147 Amending CMC 1.28.085 Minor Offense Fine Schedule
Ordinance 1146 Marijuana Moratorium until 1-1-2017
Ordinance 1145 Approving Lease to State Troopers
Ordinance 1144 Amending code regarding nuisances
Ordinance 1142 Approving Lease-Option with Facility Contractors, LLC
Ordinance 1141 Approving Transfer from Permanent Fund
Ordinance 1140 in re THC Extraction
Ordinance 1139 in re Marijuana Local Authority
2015 Ordinances
Ordinance 1123 amending 18.35 and enacting 18.35.035 avalanche code
Ordinance 1124 amending 18.39 in re front yard parking in WCP district Ordinance 1125 amending 18.48.080 in re required parking spaces
Ordinance 1125 amending 18.48.080 in re required parking spaces
Ordinance 1126 (sub) amending 3.12.035 and 3.12.060 in re meeting agendas and order of business
Ordinance 1127 repealing and reenacting 5.22 disposal of City property
Ordinance 1128 City Land Disposal to Moble Grid
Ordinance 1129 amending 5.40.030 C, 5.40.030 D and 5.40.030 BB in re sales tax exemptions
Ordinance 1130 repealing 18.21.070 B and amending 18.21.080 regarding the RR3 district
Ordinance 1131 Reducing Ground Snow Load Requirement
Ordinance 1132 Lease with Alpine Diesel
Ordinance 1133 Exempting Disposal from Sealed Bid
Ordinance 1134 repeal and reenact 18.08 and amend 18.39 in re WCP district
Ordinance 1135 authorizing Breakwater Fill Lease with Option to Purchase-REFERRED
Ordinance 1136 amending and enacting parts of chapter 19.04 in re Flood protection
Ordinance 1137 (sub) adopting 8.37 governing use of plastic bags
Ordinance 1138 amending 6.12.040 regarding use permit for alcohol in public
2014 Ordinances
Ordinance 1113 PWSSC Lease
Ordinance 1114 Repealing 8.04.170 due to conflict with proposition one language of 8.04-195
Ordinance 1115 Substitute regarding Council terms on boards and commissions
Ordinance 1116 Revising Election Code
Ordinance 1117 ADF&G Lease
Ordinance 1118 repealing CMC 5.36.045 regarding rural zone and mill rate differential
Ordinance 1120 waiving the failure to file timely for a senior citizen property tax exemption application
Ordinance 1121 amending 2.20.010(D) regarding election notification requirements
2013 Ordinances
Ordinance 1101 SALE TO NICHOLS
Ordinance 1102 SALE to VU-HO
Ordinance 1104 exempting an NVE low-income housing property from taxation
Ordinance 1105 cooperation agreement with NVE in re PILT for low income property
Ordinance 1106 repeal 14.28 and enact Title 15 City owned medical facilities
Ordinance 1107 amending code and repealing and reenacting title 8 and enacting code sections all regarding health and safety
Ordinance 1108 (Substitute) Title 14 revisions
Ordinance 1109 Title 11 Port and Harbor Revisions
Ordinance 1111 Amending 4.56.070 in re Leave Carry-Over
Ordinance 1112 Lot 1 Block 1 sale to Ocean Beauty
2012 Ordinances
Ordinance 1089 Land Sale to Americus
Ordinance 1091 SUBSTITUTE Borrowing in Anticipation of Revenues
Ordinance 1092 Amending and Enacting Code in re HSB
Ordinance 1093 Amending Code in re Contracts
Ordinance 1094 Interfund Transfers for 2012
Ordinance 1095 Amending Code in re Snow Load
Ordinance 1096 Sale to Shoreside
Ordinance 1097 Addressing Code
Ordinance 1098 SUBSTITUTE Chapter 3.36 School Board
Ordinance 1099 SUBSTITUE Amending 5.22
Ordinance 1100 SUBSTITUTE Amending Title 10 in re Parking and Traffic Violations
2011 Ordinances
Ordinance 1078 Transferring Money from Permanent Fund for 2010 & 2011 Capital Projects
Ordinance 1079 Waiving a Senior Citizen’s Failure to File Prop Tax Exemption Application Timely
Ordinance 1080 Purchase of City Land – Wildrick
Ordinance 1081 Purchase of City Land-Trident Seafoods
Ordinance 1083 SUBSTITUTE Change Code for Sewer Rate Increase
Ordinance 1084 Purchase of City Land – Roemhildt So Fill Blk 2 Lot 3
Ordinance 1085 Purchase of City Land – Roemhildt So Fill Blk 2 Lot 5
Ordinance 1086 Amending Code for Senior Citizen Property Tax Exemption Application
Ordinance 1087 Amending Code for Innovative Procurement Process
Ordinance 1088 AIGCO Land Sale BALLOT PROPOSITION that FAILED at March 6 2012 City Election
2010 Ordinances
Ordinance 1063 Emergency Management Operations
Ordinance 1064 Emergency Operations Plan
Ordinance 1065 Transferring Money for Capital Projects
Ordinance 1066 Zoning Portion of ATS 1004 Waterfront Industrial
Ordinance 1067 Sales Tax Exemption for Home Heating Oil
Ordinance 1069 Waiving a Senior Citizen Tax Exemption for 2009
Ordinance 1070 Amending Section 18 of the Code for Radio Towers
Ordinance 1071 Conveyance of Block 2 Lot 7 South Fill Development
Ordinance 1072 Conveyance of Lot 1 North Fill Development Park Addn number 1
Ordinance 1073 Amending Section 18 of the Code to adopt definition of Watchman’s Quarters
Ordinance 1074 Conveyance of Block 1 Lot 11 South Fill Development Park
Ordinance 1075 Waiving the Requirements for CMC 11.20.110(i)
Ordinance 1076 Approving a Lease with Copper Valley