Construction crews from Turnagain Marine Inc. and GMC Contracting Inc. will continue to construct the new South Harbor now that demolition has neared its end.
Roadside construction along Nicholoff Way requires a partial closure of the roadway just west of the AC Grocery Store. Pedestrians and motorists are requested to stay out of construction zones to keep everyone safe and to efficiently conduct construction operations. Road closure signs are posted and will be adjusted as construction dictates.
Pile driving will only be conducted during daylight hours.
Mariners are advised to give the construction barge and vessels a wide berth and no wake in the harbor.
Crews will be operating seven days a week, twelve hours a day to meet our deadline to be open for the 2024 fishing season.
Link to CTC Harbor Camera: CTC Cameras (
For questions please contact: Special Projects Director, Collin Bronson at: 907-917-9159/