Council Resolutions

2024 Resolutions

Resolution 08-24-30 Amending the 2024 Fee Schedule

Resolution 08-24-29 Supporting 2024 Environmental and Climate Justice Community Change Grant

Resolution 07-24-28 Authorizing a Sole Source Contract for Water Master Plan with GV Jones

Resolution 07-24-27 Authorizing a Sole Source Contract for Wastewater Master Plan with GV Jones

Resolution 06-24-26 Supporting Amendment 123 to FMP for Groundfish in BSAI Area

Resolution 06-24-25 Acknowledging CSD budget and committing local funding

Resolution 06-24-24 Setting the Property Tax Mill Levy for 2024

Resolution 05-24-23 Supporting Hospital Week

Resolution 05-24-22 Authorizing Conveyance of Lot 1, USS 4606 to Harrison

Resolution 04-24-21 Approving a Sole Source with Different Strokes of Alaska for F-550 Engine Replacement

Resolution 04-24-20 Supporting an increase to the BSA

Resolution 04-24-19 Approving a Line of Credit Agreement and Authorizing Execution of Same

Resolution 04-24-18 Approving Application for a Mobile Restaurant

Resolution 04-24-17 Supporting 2024 PIDP Grant Application

Resolution 04-24-16 Adopting 2024 Land Disposal Maps

Resolution 04-24-15 Authorizing Gehlbach Craig Land Disposal

Resolution 04-24-14 (Substitute) Authorizing Check Signers

Resolution 03-24-13 Certifying Results of 2024 Regular Election

Resolution 03-24-12 Approving Application for a Mobile Restaurant

Resolution 03-24-11 Designating Asset Allocation for Permanent Fund

Resolution 03-24-10 Adopting Revised Investment Policy

Resolution 02-24-09 Approving terms for 3 million dollar transfer for Harbor project

Resolution 02-24-08 Authorizing Application and Execution of ACWF Loan for Wastewater Master Plan

Resolution 02-24-07 Authorizing Application and Execution of ACWF Loan for Water Master Plan

Resolution 02-24-06 Approving Lease with PWSC for Ptn of CHS

Resolution 01-24-05 Renaming Elmers Point Drive to Kimmick Way

Resolution 01-24-04 Authorizing a Sole Source Contract with UMIAQ

Resolution 01-24-03 Authorizing Sole Source with AK Harbor LLC

Resolution 01-24-02 PWS FMA Shared Fisheries Business Tax Allocation

Resolution 01-24-01 Designating Capital Improvement Projects

2023 Resolutions

Resolution 12-23-37 Acknowledging Surplus Sale of City Vehicle

Resolution 12-23-36 Approving a Sole Source with RWC International Ltd for Refuse Hook Truck

Resolution 12-23-35 City Fees Rates Charges for 2024

Resolution 12-23-34 Adopting 2024 Operating Budget

Resolution 11-23-33 Authorizing KeyBank as Custodian of City Investment Accounts

Resolution 11-23-32 Approving the 2024 CBA

Resolution 10-23-31 Supporting Full Funding of Tier 1 Harbor Grants

Resolution 09-23-30 Adopting City Records Retention and Disposal Schedule

Resolution 09-23-29 Acknowledging Surplus Sales of City Vehicles and Equipment

Resolution 08-23-28 Approving Contract with CML Security for Security Doors at Jail

Resolution 08-23-27 Accepting Ownership and Maintenance of Sewer Main and Lift Station

Resolution 07-23-26 Requesting Changes to AMHS Winter Schedule

Resolution 07-23-25 Approving Starnik Inc. Government Billing Software

Resolution 06-23-24 Adopting the 2023 Land Disposal Maps

Resolution 06-23-23 Supporting Camtu’s Proposal and Lease Negotiations

Resolution 06-23-22 Authorizing Negotiation and Grant of ROW Easement to NVE

Resolution 06-23-21 Approving CSD budget for July 1 2023-June 30 2024

Resolution 06-23-20 Setting the Property Tax Mill Levy for 2023

Resolution 05-23-19 Supporting Cordova Covered Spaces TAP Grant Application

Resolution 05-23-18 Approving License for a Mobile Restaurant

Resolution 05-23-17 Authorizing Lease-Option and Sole Source for Parks and Rec Van

Resolution 05-23-16 Placing Ballot Prop on March 5, 2024 Election to Undesignate Council Seats

Resolution 04-23-15 Approving Oracle NetSuite for Government Accounting Software

Resolution 04-23-14 Approving Purchase of 25 SCBA’s for CVFD

Resolution 04-23-13 Authorizing PWSSC lease of Old Sea Grant Bldg

Resolution 04-23-12 Supporting 2023 PIDP Grant Application

Resolution 04-23-11 Authorizing Lease-Option and Sole Source for Police Vehicles

Resolution 03-23-10 Certifying Results of 2023 Regular Election

Resolution 03-23-09 Authorizing 5-Yr Lease with Native Conservancy for Tract 8A ASLS 73-35

Resolution 03-23-08 Approving a Sole Source with GENIE Z45

Resolution 03-23-07 Approving a Sole Source Contract Eforce

Resolution 02-23-06 Adopting 2023 Capital Budget

Resolution 02-23-05 Supporting NVE Healthcare Consolidation

Resolution 02-23-04 Amending the 2023 Fee Schedule

Resolution 02-23-03 Designating Capital Improvement Projects

Resolution 01-23-02 Approving License for a Mobile Restaurant

Resolution 01-23-01 PWS FMA Shared Fisheries Business Tax Allocation



2022 Resolutions

Resolution 12-22-34 Approving a Sole Source Contract Procomm AK

Resolution 12-22-33 City Fees Rates Charges for 2023

Resolution 12-22-32 Adopting 2023 Operating Budget

Resolution 11-22-31 Committing Additional Funds to Harbor Project

Resolution 11-22-30 Authorizing Sole Source Contract with Kendrick Equipment for Boat Transporter

Resolution 10-22-29 Authorizing Conveyance of Portion of ATS 220

Resolution 10-22-28 Supporting 2024 Harbor Grant Full Funding

Resolution 10-22-27 Authorizing 10-Yr Lease with DMI for Portion of the City Ship Yard

Resolution 09-22-26 Approving FY22 Budget Amendment

Resolution 08-22-25 Authorizing Issue of Harbor Revenue Bonds nte $5M, Establishing Term, Authorizing Sale

Resolution 08-22-24 Authorizing Issue of Harbor Revenue Bonds, Creating Lien on Harbor Revenues

Resolution 08-22-23 Authorizing Transfer to Sheridan Alpine for Ski Lift Cable Project

Resolution 08-22-22 Supporting Whitshed Road and Pedestrian Improvements Project

Resolution 08-22-21 Approving Surplus Vehicle and Equipment Sale

Resolution 07-22-20 Supporting Repairs to the Copper River Highway

Resolution 06-22-19 Approving a funding level for CSD for July 1 2022-June 30 2023

Resolution 06-22-18 Setting the Property Tax Mill Levy for 2022

Resolution 05-22-17 Authorizing Contract for 2 Emergency Backup Portable Generators

Resolution 05-22-16 Supporting Formation of The Alaska Housing Trust

Resolution 04-22-15 Authorizing Application to and Execution of Clean Water Loan

Resolution 04-22-14 Supporting PIDP Grant Application for North Harbor Modernization Project

Resolution 04-22-13 Authorizing Check Signers

Resolution 04-22-12 Approving the 2022 CBA

Resolution 04-22-11 Approving a Sole Source Contract for a Vactor Truck with Yukon Equipment, Inc.

Resolution 04-22-10 Reinvesting Permanent Fund Earnings back into the Fund

Resolution 03-22-09 Supporting Governor Dunleavey’s GO Bond Initiative

Resolution 03-22-08 Authorizing a Sole Source Contract with Mark Keller, LLC

Resolution 03-22-07 Approving License for a Mobile Restaurant

Resolution 03-22-06 Certifying Results of 2022 Regular Election

Resolution 03-22-04 Approving a Sole Source Contract for Environmental

Resolution 03-22-03 Designating Capital Improvement Projects

Resolution 01-22-02 Authorizing Participation in State Deferred Comp Plan

Resolution 01-22-01 Input to ADEC on Proposed Regulatory Changes



2021 Resolutions

Resolution 12-21-48 City Fees Rates Changes for 2022

Resolution 12-21-47 Adopting 2022 Operating Budget

Resolution 12-21-46 PWS FMA Shared Fisheries Business Tax Allocation

Resolution 11-21-45 Approving Hager Land Sale Agreement

Resolution 11-21-44 Authorizing $2M Loan and Placing it on the Ballot

Resolution 11-21-43 Accepting Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery Award

Resolution 11-21-41 Supporting or Opposing Proposals to be Heard by the Alaska Board of Fish Nov-Dec 2021

Resolution 10-21-40 Supporting Full Funding of State Municipal Harbor Facility Grant Program

Resolution 09-21-39 Extending Declaration of Emergency

Resolution 08-21-38 APPCO Assessing Contract for 2022

Resolution 08-21-37 Amending Land Disposal Maps

Resolution 08-21-36 Approving FY21 Budget Amendment

Resolution 07-21-35 Extending emergency and approving EO 2021-02

Resolution 07-21-34 Approving License for a Mobile Restaurant

Resolution 07-21-33 Updating Support for Encouragment of Fisheries Disaster Declarations for 2018 and 2020

Resolution 07-21-32 Approving License for a Mobile Restaurant

Resolution 07-21-31 Accepting Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery Award

Resolution 06-21-30 Approving a funding level for CSD for July 1 2021 – June 30 2022

Resolution 06-21-28 Approving License for a Mobile Restaurant

Resolution 06-21-27 Setting the Property Tax Mill Levy for 2021

Resolution 05-21-26 Approving Emergency Order 2021-01

Resolution 05-21-25 Authorizing Direct Negotiation with NVE toward a Joint Medical Care Model for Cordova

Resolution 05-21-23 Authorizing a Sole Source Contract with De Nora for OSHG

Resolution 05-21-22 Supporting RAISE grant application

Resolution 05-21-21 Supporting Coordinated Medical Services by NVE and CCMC

Resolution 05-21-20 Approving Sale of Portion of Lot 3 Block 17 Original Townsite to Kuntz

Resolution 04-21-19 Adopting a Historic Buildings Survey Plan

Resolution 04-21-18 Approving the Final Plat of Thorne Lake Estates

Resolution 04-21-17 Authorizing Check Signers

Resolution 04-21-16 Supporting an Aviation History Museum

Resolution 04-21-15 Final Plat for Pettingill Subdivision

Resolution 03-21-14 Approval of 2021 Land Disposal Maps

Resolution 03-21-12 Final Plat Scott Subdivision

Resolution 03-21-11 Final Plat Cannery Row Addition 1

Resolution 03-21-10 Supporting Mike O’Leary Trail Grant Application

Resolution 03-21-09 Certifying Results of 2021 Regular Election

Resolution 03-21-08 Supporting PIDP grant application

Resolution 03-21-07 Supporting BUILD grant application

Resolution 03-21-06 Supporting EDA grant application

Resolution 03-21-05 Alpine Diesel Sole Source

Resolution 02-21-04 Supporting Pink Salmon Disaster Funds App

Resolution 01-21-03 PWS FMA Shared Fisheries Business Tax Allocation

Resolution 01-21-02 Approving Corrections and Additions to the 2021 Fee Schedule

Resolution 01-21-01 Continuing Declaration of Emergency


2020 Resolutions

Resolution 12-20-44 Supporting Points North
Resolution 12-20-43 City Fees Rates Charges for 2021
Resolution 12-20-42 Adopting 2021 budget
Resolution 11-20-39 Placing Charter Change of 5-19 on Ballor for March 2, 2021
Resolution 11-20-40 Continuing Declaration of Emergency
Resolution 11-20-41 Supporting Full Funding of Municipal Harbor Grant Program
Resolution 10-20-37 Authorizing DEC Loan and Ballot Prop for March 2, 2021 Election
Resolution 10-20-38 Approving the Final Plat of Yarbrough Subdivision
Resolution 09-20-36 Approving City Stimulus Program
Resolution 09-20-35 APPCO Assessing Contract for 2021
Resolution 09-20-34 Supporting the USPS and Encouraging Full Funding
Resolution 08-20-33 Ratifying Contract with Bailer for Covid-19 Mitigation
Resolution 08-20-31 Encouraging Fisheries Disaster Declarations for 2018 and 2020
Resolution 08-20-32 Amending Land Disposal Maps
Resolution 07-20-30 Approving a Sole Source Contract with Arctic IT for Tech Upgrades
Resolution 06-20-25 Approving License for a Mobile Restaurant for Jose Avila
Resolution 06-20-26 Adopting Med Team Recommendations Confirming Revisions to State Mandate 10
Resolution 06-20-27 Continuing Declaration of Emergency
Resolution 06-20-29 Opposing Use of Dipnet for Subsistence on Lower Copper River
Resolution 06-20-28 Adopting 2020 Land Disposal Maps
Resolution 06-20-24 Setting the Property Tax Mill Levy for 2020
Resolution 05-20-20 Ratifying Rule 17 and Adopting Med Team Recommendations Resolution 05-20-21 Approving a funding level for CSD for July 1 2020 – June 30 2021
Resolution 05-20-19 Pre-Aproving Emergency Order 2020-06
Resolution 05-20-22 Accepting Coronavirus Relief Funds
Resolution 05-20-17 Designating Capital Improvement Projects
Resolution 05-20-16 Supporting State TIER 1 Grant Application
Resolution 05-20-23 Adopting Med Team Recommendations Confirming State Phases 3 and 4
Resolution 05-20-15 Supporting BUILD Grant Application
Resolution 04-20-14 Ratifying Emergency Rules
Resolution 03-20-13 Approving Disaster Proclamation for Coronavirus
Resolution 03-20-12 Amending 2020 budget for pool repair and harbor repairs
Resolution 03-20-11 Amending 2020 budget for NVE K-9 Grant
Resolution 03-20-10 Certifying Results of 2020 Regular Election
Resolution 02-20-05 Supporting the Safeguarding of Alaska’s Oil Spill Prevention and Response Standards
Resolution 02-20-06 Supporting CDFU and CFDC Proposals to the Board of Fish March Shellfish Meeting
Resolution 02-20-07 Authorizing Signatory for EDA Grant
Resolution 02-20-08 Authorizing Sole Source for Emergency Portable Generator
Resolution 02-20-09 Authorizing Lease with option to purchase for Cordova Powersports, LLC
Resolution 01-20-01 PWS FMA Shared Fisheries Business Tax Allocation
Resolution 01-20-02 John Bitney Lobbyist Consulting Contract
Resolution 01-20-03 Authorizing Amendment to 2020 Budget Resolution Language
Resolution 01-20-04 Reauthorizing the Fisheries Advisory Committee

2019 Resolutions

Resolution 12-19-52 Approval of Comprehensive Plan
Resolution 12-19-54 Authorizing a lease with Chamber for Lots 3 and 4 Block 8 Orig Townsite
Resolution 12-19-53 Authorizing Transfer of Parcels 2, 3, 4 and 6 to ADOT and PF
Resolution 12-19-55 Authorizing a lease with the PWSSC for the Old Sea Grant Office
Resolution 12-19-58 Designating Capital Improvement Projects
Resolution 12-19-57 City Fees, Rates & Charges for 2020
Resolution 12-19-56 Adopting 2020 budget
Resolution 12-19-59 Authorizing Membership in AK Remote Seller Sales Tax Commission
Resolution 11-19-50 Supporting Full Funding for the State Municipal Harbor Facility Grant Program for FY2021
Resolution 11-19-51 Reauthorizing the Fisheries Development Committee
Resolution 11-19-48 Authorizing a Budget Amendment for Pool UV System Damage
Resolution 11-19-49 Authorizing a Budget Amendment for EMPG-GY18
Resolution 11-19-47 Authorizing a Budget Amendment for 2019 DPS and NVE grants
Resolution 10-19-44 Approving 2019 Budget Amendment for Refuse Vehicle
Resolution 10-19-43 Supporting Shepard Point Road Project in Attaining IRT Program Assistance
Resolution 11-19-46 Authorizing a Budget Amendment for EMPG-GY19
Resolution 10-19-41 Authorizing Budget Amendment for Purchase of Midi-Excavator
Resolution 09-19-40 Authorizing Budget Amendment for Repairs to Harbor Docks
Resolution 09-19-39 Supporting Salmon Fisheries and Opposing Exploration or Drilling for Oil and Gas
Resolution 09-19-36 Approving Final Plat of R-D-G Warehouse Subdivision Addition No. 1
Resolution 09-19-37 Approving Site Plan for Roemhildt, Lot 3 Block 2 South Fill
Resolution 09-19-38 Supporting CTP grant application authorizing Match and Committing to Maintenance
Resolution 09-19-34 Designating Capital Improvement Projects
Resolution 09-19-35 Authorizing Budget Amendment for Pool Wall and Roof Repair
Resolution 08-19-33 APPCO Assessing Contract for 2020
Resolution 08-19-32 Supporting naming a CRH Bridge for irene Webber
Resolution 07-19-29 Authorizing a City Manager Assessment Committee
Resolution 07-19-30 Budget Amendment for Bidarki Roof Change Order
Resolution 06-19-27 Supporting Grant Application for State of Alaska Tier I Harbor Grant
Resolution 06-19-28 Authorizing Signers on City Accounts
Resolution 06-19-25 Approving Amendment to the 2019 Budget for Sewer Vehicle
Resolution 06-19-26 Supporting Grant Application for 2019 BUILD Grant
Resolution 06-19-24 Setting the Property Tax Mill Levy for 2019
Resolution 05-19-23 Approving Amendment to the 2019 Budget for Bidarki Roof Replacement Project
Resolution 05-19-22 Approving a funding level for CSD for July 1 2019 – June 30 2020
Resolution 05-19-20 Approving Amendment to the 2019 Budget for Various Edits
Resolution 04-19-19 Approving the 2019 CBA
Resolution 04-19-16 Authorizing an Agreement with AMHS for Alaska Shield 2019
Resolution 04-19-17 A Joint Resolution of the City Council & School Board Opposing Governor Dunleavy’s Budget
Resolution 04-19-18 Approving Amendment to the FY19 Budget for Capital Projects and Grants
Resolution 04-19-15 Approving a Correction to the 2019 Fee Schedule
Resolution 03-19-13 Authorizing a Sole Source Contract for Portable Radios
Resolution 03-19-14 Approving amendment to the 2019 Budget for Odiak Camper Park
Resolution 03-19-10 Certifying Results of 2019 Regular Election
Resolution 03-19-11 Authorizing a Sole Source Contract for Tsunami Siren and Equipment
Resolution 03-19-12 Authorizing a Sole Source Contract for Dispatch Repeater and Base Radios
Resolution 03-19-08 Authorizing 10-Yr Lease with Option of USS 4606, Lot 1
Resolution 02-19-07 Supporting Reappointment of Robert Ruffner to the Alaska Board of Fisheries
Resolution 03-19-09 Opposing Incorporation of PWS Borough as Discussed in 2018-19
Resolution 01-19-03 Supporting Grant Application for ATAP Seventh Street Sidewalks
Resolution 01-19-02 Authorizing Match to Cordova Center Stairs Grant
Resolution 01-19-01 Supporting Grant Application for ATAP Cordova Center Stairs
Resolution 01-19-06 Supporting Continuation of MAP Cordova Position
Resolution 01-19-05 PWS FMA Shared Fisheries Business Tax Allocation
Resolution 01-19-04 Authorizing Match to Seventh Street ADA Sidewalks Project Grant

2018 Resolutions

Resolution 12-18-32 Harbor Fees, Rates & Charges for 2019
Resolution 12-18-34 City Fees, Rates & Charges for 2019
Resolution 12-18-33 Approval of 2019 Budget
Resolution 12-18-35 2019 CIP List
Resolution 12-18-37 Approval of Cabin Lake SLUP Lot Final Plat
Resolution 12-18-30 Authorizing Issuance of nte $5M in Bonds for Harbor Capital Expenditures and Submitting Question to Voters
Resolution 12-18-31 Submitting Question of a 0.5 Percent Raw Fish Tax to Voters
Resolution 11-18-29 Reauthorizing the Trails Committee by Amending the Membership to Six
Resolution 10-18-28 Comprehensive Plan Commiittee
Resolution 09-18-21 APPCO Assessing Contract for 2018
Resolution 09-18-22 2018 CIP List
Resolution 09-18-23 Site Plan Review for Baja Taco
Resolution 09-18-24 Supporting the Alaska Salmon Hatchery Program
Resolution 09-18-25 Harbor Grant Resolution FY2020
Resolution 09-18-26 PWS Borough Advisory Commiittee
Resolution 09-18-27 Site Plan Review for Rob Brown
Resolution 08-18-19 Amending the 2018 Budget and Appropriating $25,000 to fund Borough Economic Study
Resolution 08-18-20 Approving Lease with University of Alaska for PWSC in High School
Resolution 07-18-18 Amending the 2018 Budget and Appropriating $122,146 to fund Comprehensive Plan Update
Resolution 06-18-17 Supporting VFDA
Resolution 06-18-16 Setting the Property Tax Mill Levy for 2018
Resolution 05-18-11 Approving License for a Mobile Restaurant for Heidi Wiese
Resolution 05-18-13 Approving the Local Hazard Mitigation Plan
Resolution 05-18-14 Certifying Results of May 15, 2018 Special Election
Resolution 05-18-15 Authorizing a $135K Transfer to CSD for CHS Gym Floor Replacement
Resolution 03-18-08 Calling 2018 Special Election
Resolution 03-18-09 Certifying Results of 2018 Regular Election
Resolution 03-18-10 Approving Site Plan for Alaska Wild Seafoods
Resolution 02-18-07 Approving Final Plat of Saddle Point Too Addition No. 1
Resolution 01-18-01 2018 CIP List
Resolution 01-18-02 Supporting Harbor Grant Program Funding for 2019
Resolution 01-18-04 Supporting Proposed Statute Changes regarding Derelict Vessels
Resolution 01-18-05 Authorizing Sale of Portion of Lots 8 & 9, Block 1 Odiak Park
Resolution 01-18-06 Supporting Points North Heli-Adventures

2017 Resolutions

Resolution 12-17-30 Adoption of 2018 Budget
Resolution 12-17-29 Authorizing Signers on City Accounts
Resolution 12-17-31 Fee & Rate Resolution for 2018
Resolution 12-17-32 Approving Final Plat of Tract A-3 and Lot 2, West Eyak Lake Tracts Subdivision, Phase II
Resolution 12-17-33 Approving $200K transfer for Pharmacy assets
Resolution 12-17-34 PWS FMA Shared Fisheries Business Tax Allocation
Resolution 12-17-35 Supporting a Cordova Community Foundation
Resolution 11-17-28 Certifying Results of November 7, 2017 Special Election
Resolution 10-17-26 Supporting Power Creek Rd repairs
Resolution 09-17-24 2017 CIP List – updated
Resolution 09-17-25 APPCO Assessing Contract for 2018
Resolution 09-17-23 Approving Current Refuse Disposal Method
Resolution 08-17-22 Final Plat Tract E, Whitshed Road Mile 5, Anderson Lot Subdivision
Resolution 07-17-21 FY18 PILT Funding
Resolution 06-17-17 Setting the Property Tax Mill Levy for 2017
Resolution 06-17-18 Approving a Sole Source Contract for Emergency Shelter Generator
Resolution 06-17-19 FY18 PILT Funding
Resolution 06-17-20 Approving Final Plat of Subdivision of Lots 1-4, Block 42, Plat 11-1
Resolution 05-17-13 Authorizing Signers on City Accounts
Resolution 05-17-14 Adopting the Strategic Action Plan
Resolution 05-17-15 Approval of disposal to Jensen of Lot 20 Block 23 Original Townsite
Resolution 05-17-16 Approval of site plan for Ocean Beauty
Resolution 04-17-09 Approving Site Plan for Nichols Lot 2, Block 3, CIP
Resolution 04-17-10 Approving City application for ADF&G commissioners permit
Resolution 04-17-12 Declaring April as sexual assault awareness month in Cordova
Resolution 04-17-11 Supporting child abuse awareness month
Resolution 03-17-08 Certifying Results of 2017 Regular Election
Resolution 03-17-07 Approval of lease with CRWP
Resolution 02-17-06 supporting PWS Crab and other historical fisheries
Resolution 02-17-04 PWS FMA Shared Fisheries Business Tax Allocation
Resolution 02-17-05 Approving Application for a Mobile Restuarant
Resolution 01-17-03 Fee & Rate Resolution for 2017
Resolution 01-17-02 Authorizing Funding Search for South Harbor

2016 Resolutions

Resolution 12-16-36 John Bitney Lobbyist Consulting Contract
Resolution 12-16-37 Adoption of the 2017 Budget
Resolution 12-16-38 2017 CIP List
Resolution 12-16-39 Approving Final Plat
Resolution 12-16-41 Supporting Repairs to damaged Million Dollar Bridge
Resolution 12-16-42 Approving PERS amendment
Resolution 12-16-43 Authorizing a Fisheries Advisory and Development Committee
Resolution 10-16-35 Support for State Harbor Facility Grant Program
Resolution 09-16-34 Requesting Pink Salmon Disaster Declaration
Resolution 09-16-32 Lease of Tract B, Block 34, USS 449 to Alascom
Resolution 09-16-33 2016 CIP List
Resolution 08-16-29 Assessing Contract for 2017
Resolution 08-16-30 Approving loan to CCMC
Resolution 08-16-31 GV Jones Sole Source
Resolution 07-16-28 National Forest Receipts Contribution to Public Schools
Resolution 07-16-27 Supporting New Businesses
Resolution 06-16-25 Authorizing Budget Amendment for Sidewalks Grant Match
Resolution 06-16-26 City Manager Assessment Committee
Resolution 06-16-24 US Navy Training Exercises
Resolution 06-16-22 Setting the Property Tax Mill Levy for 2016
Resolution 05-16-20 FY17 PILT Funding
Resolution 05-16-21 Approving budget amendment for Whitshed Pedestrian Path project match
Resolution 04-16-16 Supporting Negotiations Regarding Stern Property Donation
Resolution 04-16-17 Authorizing Signers on City Accounts
Resolution 04-16-18 Supporting Heli-Skiing In Cordova
Resolution 04-16-19 Approving loan to CCMC
Resolution 03-16-13 Approving a Vacation of Right-of-Way for Davis Ave
Resolution 03-16-12 Approving Final Plat of Cabin Lake SLUP
Resolution 03-16-15 Approving loan to CCMC
Resolution 03-16-14 Approving a Site Development Plan for Northern Fish dba Prime Select
Resolution 03-16-10 Certifying 2016 Regular Election
Resolution 03-16-11 LT2 Loan Signatory Authorization
Resolution 03-16-09 Supporting reauthorization of ARDOR
Resolution 02-16-07 Budget Amendment to fund relocation of Forest Heights culvert
Resolution 02-16-08 Directing staff to work toward Code changes regarding HSB
Resolution 01-16-04 Approving Ocean Beauty Site Plan
Resolution 01-16-03 Approving Application for a Mobile Restuarant
Resolution 01-16-02 Authorizing LT2 loan as a ballot prop for voters on March 1, 2016 ballot
Resolution 01-16-01 Approving Corrections to the 2016 Fee Schedule
Resolution 01-16-06 Approving loan to CCMC
Resolution 01-16-05 Approving Site Plan of Alpine Diesel

2015 Resolutions

Resolution 12-15-54 Ladd SLUP Lot Plat
Resolution 12-15-55 Supporting protection of Copper, Bering and Martin Rivers
Resolution 12-15-53 Creation of AMHS Advisory Committee
Resolution 12-15-52 Adoption of 2016 Budget
Resolution 12-15-51 Fee Schedule for 2016 including amendment by res 01-16-01
Resolution 12-15-50 PWS FMA Shared Fisheries Business Tax Allocation
Resolution 12-15-49 2015 Tsunami Siren Sole Source Grant
Resolution 11-15-48 (sub) CCMC line of credit approval
Resolution 11-15-47 Supporting EVOS Settlement Re-Opener Clause
Resolution 11-15-46 Authorizing Renewal of Line of Credit
Resolution 11-15-45 Supporting ADoT
Resolution 10-15-44 Sale of Lot 13 Block 12 OT
Resolution 10-15-43 Authorizing Advisory Services Agreement btw CCMC & QHR
Resolution 09-15-42 Final Plat for Dan Scott
Resolution 09-15-41 Final Plat for Logan
Resolution 09-15-40 CCMC line of credit of $350K
Resolution 08-15-39 Disposal of a Portion of Lot 15 Block 6, USS 2981 A&B to Hansons
Resolution 08-15-38 Supporting ADEC Loan Application
Resolution 08-15-36 Adopting Official Zoning Map
Resolution 08-15-35 Assessing Contract for 2016
Resolution 08-15-34 Sole Source and Budget Amendment for Wittke Dumpster Truck
Resolution 07-15-33 National Forest Receipts Contribution to Public Schools
Resolution 06-15-32 CCMC 300K
Resolution 06-15-31 Installation of Cat Scanner at CCMC
Resolution 06-15-30 Final Plat USS 901
Resolution 06-15-29 Final Plat Tract B2 PeBo Subdivision
Resolution 06-15-28 Setting the Property Tax Mill Levy for 2015
Resolution 05-15-27 Certifying May 12 2015 Special Election
Resolution 05-15-25 Opposing Navy Training Exercises
Resolution 05-15-26 Authorizing Use of Line of Credit for Dawson
Resolution 05-15-24 Amending Fee Schedule for Water Rates
Resolution 05-15-23 Tideland Acquisition Support
Resolution 04-15-22 Amending Bond Resolution 04-15-19
Resolution 04-15-21 CCMC Transfer of $200,000 to Fund Operational Expenses
Resolution 04-15-20 FY16 PILT Funding
Resolution 04-15-18 Budget Amendment to reimburse Sheridan Alpine Association
Resolution 04-15-19 Cordova Center Bond Resolution
Resolution 04-15-17 Approving Application for a Mobile Restuarant
Resolution 03-15-16 Roemhildt Site Plan Lot 5 Blk 2 South Fill
Resolution 03-15-15 Certifying 2015 Regular Election
Resolution 03-15-13 Putting Charter Change as Prop 1 on Special Election in May 2015
Resolution 03-15-12 Calling a Special Election in May 2015
Resolution 02-15-09 Supporting Revenue Sharing
Resolution 02-15-10 Supporting State Harbor Facility Grant Program
Resolution 01-15-08 Authorizing Refunding Bonds $13,500,000
Resolution 01-15-07 Appropriating funds for Bond Prop Advocacy
Resolution 01-15-06 Authorizing $2 Million in Road Bonds
Resolution 01-15-05 Authorizing Refunding Bonds $950,000
Resolution 01-15-04 Land Sale to Ocean Beauty
Resolution 01-15-03 Land Sale to Winters
Resolution 01-15-02 Cordova Center Phase I & II FY15 Budget
Resolution 01-15-01 PWS FMA Shared Fisheries Business Tax Alloctaion

2014 Resolutions

Resolution 12-14-56 Authorizing Payment to Dokoozian Construction LLC
Resolution 12-14-55 2015 CIP List
Resolution 12-14-54 2015 Budget
Resolution 12-14-53 2015 Fee and Rate Schedule
Resolution 12-14-52 Harborside Siteplan
Resolution 12-14-51 John Bitney Lobbyist Consulting Contract
Resolution 12-14-49 Notice to Proceed on Stage 4 Cordova Center
Resolution 12-14-48 Bond Proposition for Cordova Center
Resolution 12-14-47 Amendment to Agreement with Providence in re CCMC – RESCINDED
Resolution 11-14-46 Certifying 2014 Special Election
Resolution 10-14-44 Sale of City Land to Winters
Resolution 10-14-43 City Purchase of Church Property
Resolution 09-14-41 Alaska Community Foundation Agreement
Resolution 10-14-42 Cordova Center Phase 2 Stage 3
Resolution 09-14-40 Cordova Center Phase 2 Stage 2
Resolution 09-14-39 (Substitute) Authorizing Lease with Chamber of Commerce
Resolution 09-14-38 Street Improvement Bond on Special Election
Resolution 09-14-37 Calling the Special Election on November 4, 2014
Resolution 09-14-36 Bond for Streets
Resolution 09-14-34 2014 CIP List
Resolution 08-14-33 Assessing Contract for 2015
Resolution 08-14-32 Collection Services Agreement
Resolution 08-14-31 Approving 2014 Emergency Management Program Grant
Resolution 07-14-29 Appropriation for Cordova Center Phase 2
Resolution 07-14-27 (Substitute) Cordova Center Phase 2 Budget
Resolution 06-14-26 National Forest Receipts 2014
Resolution 06-14-25 (Substitute) Setting the Property Tax Mill Levy for 2014
Resolution 05-14-24 Final Plat Hammer
Resolution 05-14-23 Wage Increases 2014
Resolution 05-14-22 Naming the Tot Lot in Memory of Noel Pallas
Resolution 05-14-20 FY15 PILT Funding
Resolution 04-14-18 Site Development Plan Ocean Beauty
Resolution 03-14-17 Appropriation for professional services and related costs for Cordova Center
Resolution 03-14-16 Certifying 2014 Election
Resolution 03-14-15 Amending 2014 Budget for Road Maintainance Initiatives
Resolution 03-14-14 Budget Amendment to Fund Chip Seal Oil
Resolution 03-14-13 Asset Allocation for 2014
Resolution 02-14-11 Approving Land Sale to Ocean Beauty
Resolution 02-14-10 (Substitute) Supporting Commercial Crab Management Plan
Resolution 02-14-09 AC Lease
Resolution 02-14-08 FY13 Foreclosures
Resolution 02-14-07 AIT Sole Source
Resolution 02-14-06 Appropriating to CCMC for CT Scanner & Installation
Resolution 02-14-05 Appropriating to CCMC for Task 200 of CT Scanner Project
Resolution 01-14-04 PWS FMA Shared Fisheries Business Tax Alloctaion
Resolution 01-14-03 Appreciation to Providence
Resolution 01-14-02 LT2 Loan Signatory Authorization
Resolution 01-14-01 Refuse Loan Signatory Authorization

2013 Resolutions

Resolution 12-13-69 Final Plat 5 Mile SLUP Lot
Resolution 12-13-68 Final Plat 3.8 Mile SLUP Lot
Resolution 12-13-70 2014 Budget
Resolution 12-13-66 Sheridan Alpine Insurance
Resolution 12-13-67 2014 Fee Schedule
Resolution 12-13-65 UBS line renewal
Resolution 12-13-63 2013 CIP List
Resolution 11-13-62 Plat Note Amendment for Plat 86-6
Resolution 11-13-61 Appropriation for Cordova Center
Resolution 11-13-60 Samson Land Exchange Agreement
Resolution 10-13-59 Supporting CRWP Grant for Eyak Mt Trail Restoration
Resolution 10-13-58 Supporting Naming Mt. Carl Brady
Resolution 10-13-57 Site Plan Lot 7 South Fill
Resolution 10-13-56 Supporting PWS Regional Mutual Aid
Resolution 10-13-55 Purple Heart City
Resolution 09-13-54 Sole Source Contract for Emergency Mgt Planner
Resolution 09-13-53 NVE TTPSF partnership
Resolution 09-13-51 CCMC Loan Request
Resolution 09-13-50 2013 CIP List
Resolution 09-13-48 Assessing Contract for FY13
Resolution 09-13-47 Police Vehicle Purchase
Resolution 08-13-46 Final Plat SLUP Lots 4.1 Mile Whitshed
Resolution 08-13-45 Hazard Mitigation Plan
Resolution 08-13-44 Supporting Shepard Point Road
Resolution 07-13-42 Final Plat Approval Lots 32B & 32C of USS 3601
Resolution 07-13-40 Authorizing Contract with Sheridan Alpine Association
Resolution 07-13-41 Final Plat Approval Lots 1 & 2 USS 1765 ASLA 79-80
Resolution 07-13-39 Bridge 339 Support Resolution
Resolution 06-13-38 Appointing Acting City Manager
Resolution 06-13-37 Conservation Easement Acceptance
Resolution 06-13-36 Exempt Pay Increases
Resolution 06-13-35 Personnel Classification and Pay Plan
Resolution 06-13-34 Lease with PWSCC
Resolution 06-13-33 Rollback Wrecker Purchase
Resolution 06-13-32 Appropriation for Consultants & Legal Support for Cordova Center
Resolution 06-13-31 Union Employee Wage Increases
Resolution 06-13-30 Authorizing FY13 Appropriation for Whitshed Road
Resolution 06-13-29 Final Plat Albers
Resolution 06-13-28 Setting the Property Tax Mill Levy for 2013
Resolution 05-13-27 Authorizing Compensation to Dennys Construction Inc
Resolution 05-13-26 City Shop Electrical Upgrades
Resolution 05-13-25 Dumpster Purchase
Resolution 05-13-24 Grader Purchase
Resolution 05-13-23 National Forest Receipts contribution to School
Resolution 05-13-22 Alaska Air Show Sponsorship
Resolution 04-13-21 CC Phase II pre budget
Resolution 04-13-20 Renewing Lease for City Apt
Resolution 04-13-19 CCMC CT Scanner purchase
Resolution 04-13-18 to update authorized signers
Resolution 04-13-17 Certifying 2013 Run-off Election
Resolution 04-13-16 Supporting Rasmuson Foundation Proposal for Cordova Center Project
Resolution 04-13-15 FY14 PILT Funding
Resolution 03-13-14 Appropriating Safe Routes to School Grant Funds
Resolution 03-13-13 Supporting Wireless Internet on AMHS
Resolution 03-13-12 Samson Final Plat
Resolution 03-13-11 Certifying 2013 Election
Resolution 02-13-09 FrankenFish Opposing FDA preliminary finding
Resolution 02-13-08 City Manager assessment committee
Resolution 02-13-07 Mobile Grid lease
Resolution 02-13-06 Authorizing refuse division upgrade loan as a ballot prop for voters on March 5, 2013
Resolution 02-13-05 Authorizing LT2 loan as a ballot prop for voters on March 5, 2013
Resolution 02-13-04 Appropriating funds for the Samson Land swap project
Resolution 02-13-03 Authorizing Funding to CCMC for Electronic Health Records
Resolution 01-13-02 UBS Corporate Resolution
Resolution 01-13-01 Chamber of Commerce Lease

2012 Resolutions

Resolution 12-12-51 Placing Charter Amendment on Ballot
Resolution 12-12-50 Cordova Community Fund
Resolution 12-12-48 FY13 Budget
Resolution 12-12-49 CIP List
Resolution 12-12-47 City Fees, Rates and Charges for 2013
Resolution 12-12-46 Bitney Lobbyist Contract
Resolution 11-12-45 SUBSTITUTE Shared Fish Business Tax
Resolution 10-12-44 Appraisal Company 2013 Contract for Assessing
Resolution 09-12-43 Sity Plan Trident Bunkhouses
Resolution 09-12-42 Vacation of Right of Way
Resolution 09-12-41 CCMC 6 Month Budget
Resolution 09-12-40 Designating CIP List
Resolution 09-12-39 Estalishing Mt. Eyak Fund Contribution for Cordova School District
Resolution 08-12-38 Amending City Manager Contract
Resolution 08-12-36 Forest Receipts
Resolution 08-12-34 Cordova Center Committee
Resolution 07-12-33 Lease with PWSCC
Resolution 07-12-32 Lease with Cordova Outboard
Resolution 06-12-30 Renaming Seafood Lane as Jim Poor Avenue
Resolution 06-12-29 Budget Amendment for Purchase of Replacement F250 Pickup
Resolution 06-12-28 School ILP Building Closeout
Resolution 06-12-27 Pay Increases for Exempt City Employees
Resolution 06-12-26 Setting Mill Rates for 2012 Property Taxes
Resolution 05-12-25 Placing Nepotism Charter Change on March 2013 Ballot
Resolution 05-12-24 Wage Increases per Union Contract
Resolution 04-12-23 Energy Efficient Lighting Transfer to School District
Resolution 04-12-22 Amending the Budget for CCMC-Providence
Resolution 03-12-16 Certifying the Results of the March 6, 2012 Regular Election
Resolution 03-12-21 Authorizing a Line of Credit
Resolution 03-12-20 Suspending the E-911 Surcharge
Resolution 03-12-15 Requesting FY13 PILT Funding from DCCEC
Resolution 03-12-17 Authorizing Removal of Hospital Administrator Position from PERS
Resolution 03-12-14 Approving Providence’s Selection of Hospital Administrator
Resolution 03-12-13 Amending Hospital Management Contract
Resolution 03-12-12 Extending the Disaster Declaration for 60 more Days until May 7, 2012
Resolution 02-12-10 Supporting HB 184
Resolution 02-12-09 Support Pioneer Igloo
Resolution 01-12-08 Snow Storage Areas Open to Public
Resolution 01-12-07 Loan to CCMC
Resolution 01-12-05 Approving Disaster Emergency Declaration
Resolution 01-12-04 Designating Assest Allocation for Permanent Fund
Resolution 01-12-03 Directing Clerk to Proceed with 2011 Foreclosures
Resolution 01-12-02 Designating Capital Improvement Projects
Resolution 01-12-01 Authorizing Management Contract with Providence Health & Services Alaska
Resolution 01-12-06 Supporting Cordova School District’s Emergency Weather Closure of Cordova City Schools

2011 Resolutions

Resolution 12-11-46 Settlement Agreement with Terry Lonborg
Resolution 12-11-43 Adoption of 2012 Budget
Resolution 11-11-42 City Fees, Rates, and Charges for 2012
Resolution 12-11-45 Budget Amendment
Resolution 12-11-44 Shared Fisheries Business Tax Allocation
Resolution 11-11-41 Lease Amendment with ADF&G
Resolution 10-11-50 Traak Program
Resolution 09-11-39 CIP List for 2012
Resolution 09-11-38 Ten Year Remembrance of 9-11
Resolution 08-11-36 EVOSTC City Firm Committment
Resolution 08-11-37 Assessor Contract for FY12
Resolution 07-11-35 Appointing Acting City Manager
Resolution 06-11-34 ILP Building Final Bond
Resolution 06-11-33 Trident Site Plan
Resolution 06-11-32 Mt. Eccles Equipment Closeout
Resolution 06-11-31 Safe Routes to School Support
Resolution 06-11-30 Forest Receipts
Resolution 06-11-28 Setting 201 Mill Levy
Resolution 05-11-23 Naming Copper River Highway Bridges
Resolution 05-11-26 Employee Wage Increases
Resolution 05-11-25 Granting Contracting Authority for the School ILP Building
Resolution 05-11-24 FY12 PILT Funding
Resolution 05-11-22 Trident Seafoods Site Plan
Resolution 05-11-19 Hallquist Land Sale
Resolution 05-11-21 Commemorating Cordova Coal Party
Resolution 05-11-20 School District ILP Building
Resolution 04-11-18 Purchase of Redden Marine
Resolution 04-11-17 Redistricting
Resolution 03-11-16 Approving License for Mobile Rest-Lian
Resolution 03-11-15 Approving License for Mobile Rest-McCune
Resolution 03-11-14 Support ACMP Extension
Resolution 03-11-13 Support Little David-Bacon Floor Increase
Resolution 03-11-12 Certify 2011 Election
Resolution 02-11-11 CIP List
Resolution 02-11-10 PWSSC Site Plan Approval
Resolution 02-11-07 Supporting Mile 0-6 CRH Project
Resolution 02-11-08 Interest Transfer from School Capital Project
Resolution 02-11-09 Bourgeois Site Plan Approval
Resolution 01-11-02 Setting Fees, Rates, Charges for 2011
Resolution 01-11-05 Directing Clerk to Begin FY10 Foreclosure Proceedings
Resolution 01-11-04 Creation of the Public Service Building Design Committee
Resolution 01-11-03 Boiler for Bidarki Recreation Center
Resolution 01-11-06 Supporting Scenic Byway Designation for CRH
Resolution 01-11-01 Creation of the E-911 RFP Review Committee