City of Cordova Elected Officials

Cordova Mayor
Cordova’s Mayor is elected by popular vote for a three-year term. The mayor is recognized as head of the city government for all ceremonial purposes and by the Governor for purposes of military law.
The mayor presides over meetings and certifies the passage of all ordinances and resolutions, but is not a member of the City Council.
Contact the Mayor
City Council
Cordova’s City Council has seven elected members, each serving a three-year term. The Council establishes policy, approves the budget, establishes the mill rate for taxation and appropriates funds to provide for city services.
City Council meetings are scheduled for the first and third Wednesday of each month at 7:00 pm in the Cordova Center Community Rooms A & B, located at 601 First Street. Individuals wishing to speak at a Council meeting are given two opportunities: individuals wishing to address topics on the agenda (3 minutes) are afforded an opportunity near the beginning of the meeting, or individuals may particiate in the less-restricted audience comments prior to the close of the meeting.
The agenda is established on the Friday prior to each meeting date and posted at the post office, library, city hall lobby, the Cordova Center entrance bulletin board, and on the city website. The deadline for submitting all agenda items to the City Clerk is Wednesday previous to a meeting at 12:00 noon. All council meetings and work sessions are open to the public.
Your City Council Members
Seat A: Tom Bailer
Term Expires 3/25
Seat B: Cathy Sherman
Term Expires 3/26
Seat C: Kasey Kinsman
Term Expires 3/26
Seat D: Wendy Ranney
Term Expires 3/27
Seat E: David Zastrow
Term Expires 3/27
Seat F: Kristin Smith
Term Expires 3/25
Seat G: Ken Jones
Term Expires 3/25