Public notices

Notice of Voter Registration Information

PUBLIC NOTICE REGULAR CITY ELECTION ** Regular Election ** March 7, 2023 ** Notice of Voter Registration Information ** Voter registration: Voter registration applications may be obtained at City Hall or you may register online at . To...

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Notice of Public Sale

The Cordova Port & Harbor, City of Cordova offers for sale by sealed bids for the impounded vessel: Vessel Name: Full Moon, 47-foot Delta. Last Owner Name: Robert J Henrichs Address: PO Box 1000, Cordova, AK 99574. This vessel will be sold “as is where is” by...

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Water Reservoir Maintenance 10/3-10/14

In order to have clean, safe and healthy water the city of Cordova water department will be performing essential periodic maintenance on the Meals water reservoir from 10/3/22 to 10/14/22. Throughout this period, water crew will be cleaning the reservoir. This process...

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Quarter 3 Sales Tax Filing Reminder

Sales Tax Filing Reminder Quarter 3; July 1, 2022, through September 30, 2022 This is a quick note to remind you to file your sales tax for 2022 Quarter 3 is due on or before Monday, October 31st. We accept as timely all mail postmarked by October 31st, 2022. As a...

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