Cordova Fisheries Committee

Cordova Fisheries Committee Members:
Kelsey Hayden, chair
Kory Blake
Tyler Dillon
Rod Jensen
Trae Lohse
Jerry McCune
John Williams


Apply for the Cordova Fisheries Committee

Municipal Code for Committee Work

Cordova Municipal Code Chapter 3.50 – ADVISORY BOARDS AND COMMITTEES 3.50.010  Authority.

The resolution authorizing creation of an advisory board or committee shall specify its name, purpose or charge, number of seats and such other matters as the council deems appropriate. The resolution may also specify a date certain for when the board or committee shall expire. If the authorizing resolution does not so specify, the board or committee shall expire in accordance with Section 3.50.060 of this chapter. B. Except as otherwise provided, this chapter shall not apply to appointed commissions or other bodies established by charter or separate ordinance. (Ord. 678 (part), 1990). 3.50.020 – Appointments.

  • A.  A member of an advisory board or committee created under this chapter or a member of any appointed commission or committee established by other ordinance or charter shall be nominated by the mayor and confirmed by the council. A member shall be a resident of the greater Cordova area and be a registered voter with the state of Alaska. Members shall serve without compensation. (Ord. 678 (part), 1990). 3.50.030 – Attendance. Members of advisory boards or committees established under this chapter shall be charged with the duty to attend all regularly scheduled meetings of the board or committee on which they sit. (Ord. 678 (part), 1990). 3.50.040 – Vacancies. A seat on a board or committee established under this chapter shall be declared vacant by the mayor if any of the following conditions occur: 1. A member submits his written resignation; 2. A member misses two or more regularly scheduled meetings without prior excuse from the presiding officer; 3. A member dies or is incapacitated; 4. A member is removed from his seat by the city council. Any member of an advisory board or committee established under this chapter may be removed from his seat with or without cause by the city council at any time. A vacancy shall be filled in accordance with Section 3.50.020 of this chapter, provided, however, the appointment to a seat vacated during a member’s term shall only be for the unexpired term of the vacant seat.

(Ord. 678 (part), 1990). 3.50.050 – Procedures.

  • A. A majority of all members of a board or committee established under this chapter shall constitute a quorum, but a smaller number may recess from day to day. Every member shall vote on every question unless excused from voting by the presiding officer.
  • B. If a member fails or refuses to vote, that member’s vote shall be recorded as an affirmative vote on the question. In the case of a tie vote, the question or motion shall be declared defeated.
  • C. The presiding officer shall ensure that written minutes of every meeting are kept and provide copies of the minutes to the city clerk. All meetings shall be conducted in accordance with Roberts Rules of Order. (Ord. 678 (part), 1990). 3.50.060 – Expiration.
    -A. Unless the council in its authorizing resolution provides otherwise, an advisory board or committee of the council established under this chapter shall expire as a matter of law six months from the effective date of its authorizing resolution without further action by the council.
    -B. All advisory boards or committees of the council in existence as of the effective date of the ordinance repealing and reenacting this chapter are hereby abolished, provided, however, that the ferry advisory committee, the parks and recreation advisory committee and the overall economic development plan advisory committee are each authorized to continue in existence and their respective members may retain their seats for no more than one year from the effective date of the ordinance repealing and reenacting this chapter, at which time those committees will be abolished as a matter of law. (Ord. 678 (part), 1990).

Packets, Agendas, Minutes, & Approved Resolutions


2025 Meetings

Packets & Agendas



2025 Minutes




2025 Approved Resolutions

Resolution 10-24-32 Authorizing the City Fisheries Committee